King of Seas Switch NSP Free Download Romslab
King of Seas Switch NSP Free Download 3DClouds, the studio behind racers such as All-Star Fruit Racing, Xenon Racer, and Race With Ryan have taken time away from the circuit and are back with a procedurally generated pirate adventure that charges players with becoming the one true King of the Seas. There's a touch of Sid Meier's Pirates here, a dash of Sea of Thieves and even a little Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag thrown into the mix for good measure. However, what starts off rather promisingly soon exposes itself to be a disappointingly shallow experience, one that's happy to dole out repetitive fetch quests and boils the exciting, lawless life of a pirate down to nothing much more than a constant, tiresome grind. ROMSLAB.COM BEST SWITCH GAMES

King of Seas Switch NSP Free Download Romslab
Let's stay positive for as long as we can here though, as things do get off to a pretty good start with an initial story setup that seems to promise plenty of intrigue, revenge and adventure. Starting out in King of Seas you'll choose whether to play as a male or female version of the game's central protagonist and, after a quick tutorial on how to command a tiny little Sloop, you're thrown into a tale that sees you fight to avenge your father, clear your name and restore the rightful heir to the throne of this watery world. There's magic, voodoo, Royal Navy bad guys, double-crossing and all sorts of shenanigans thrown into the mix at the outset and early gameplay impressions suggest this one's got the goods to back up its tantalising narrative.
It's a simple system
Controlling your dinky little Brigs, Sloops, Galleons and Frigates is a breeze here and it feels rather good to boot. Your speed is controlled by how many of your ship's three sails you've currently got unfurled, with the left bumper slowing you down and the right speeding you up. It's a simple system but one that allows you to pull off some pretty nifty manoeuvres during battles, slowing right down to a stop for a sharp turn and then immediately speeding up as you change direction giving you the ability to almost 'handbrake turn' your vessel to get the drop on enemies and line your cannons up for a blast across their bows. Speaking of cannons, each class of ship has a different number of these lining its left and right (starboard and port?) sides and pressing 'LT' or 'RT' will fire these off at your foes. FEZ Switch NSZ

King of Seas Switch NSP Free Download Romslab
It requires good timing and positioning in order to get a clean shot on an enemy ship and choosing when to open yourself up to attack, manoeuvring your boat into harm's way so that you can successfully unload your guns, is where King of Seas is most captivating. Add to this a number of ridiculous magic-based special moves and you've got yourself a combat system that's a bit of a hoot, when everything is going your way. For reasons explained throughout the game's story, King of Seas enables you to outfit your craft with a host of OTT magical powers and attacks in order to help you get the upper hand in its naval battles. Our current favourite rig a speedy and highly manoeuvrable little Sloop has the ability to call forth a Kraken's tentacle.
It can turbo-boost out of harm's way
Leaving a deadly trail of fire in its wake or even temporarily transform into an ethereal ghostly version of itself through which all incoming fire simply passes without causing damage. You can summon sharks to attack, produce supernatural clouds to confuse your prey, use your ship as a flaming battering ram and even have your crew pee on your cannons to reduce their reloading times! New ship powers and upgrades can be found in and around the game's map by picking up debris found floating in the water, searching wrecks, grabbing treasure from beaches, completing missions or simply buying them at a port market, and all of these come in the usual common, epic and legendary forms. FIFA 19 Switch NSP

King of Seas Switch NSP Free Download Romslab
Further to this you'll also find a handful of goods and items that can be traded for a profit in the many ports you'll happen across and there's a basic economy at work that sees some ports offer better prices on certain goods than others at any given time. All of the cash you make from this enables you to buy new gear or purchase ships and the XP you gain as you fight and collect items gives you points to allocate to the now-expected skill tree which branches into firepower, manoeuvrability and magic upgrades. So far, so good, then. There's a decent premise here, the combat and basic boat controls are fine and we can absolutely get down with sailing the high seas to pick fights, find new gadgets for our ships and engage with the game's rudimentary economy as the story unfolds.
Spend a little more time with King of Seas
things begin to unravel pretty quickly. That story, which starts off so promisingly, very abruptly ruins all of its own surprises and intrigue in a very early doors exposition dump. Combat, which is undoubtedly fun in small doses when it's going your way, becomes extremely tedious due to a lack of fast travel that sees you respawn at the same base — usually miles away from your target — every single time you die, and side quests soon reveal themselves to be the worst kind of repetitive fetch quest filler. Indeed, after an hour or two this game descends into an utterly relentless and punishing grind that it doesn't even try to hide. Very early on we had a main campaign mission that charged us with defeating a ship that was several levels above ours. FIFA 20 Legacy Edition Switch

King of Seas Switch NSP Free Download Romslab
So, in order to level up (at this point we didn't know the enemy ship would level up alongside us) we decided to do some side quests, taking on three different missions, all of which turned out to be exactly the same as the campaign mission we were having trouble with, every one of them wanting us to go destroy this very same high level boat. We eventually discovered — with no help from the game — that we could buy a power from a port's carpenter which saw us pass this first major test of our skills, but it wasn't before we'd spent a good few hours grinding for money and XP, raising our level slowly, dying, being respawned on the other side of the map and painstakingly travelling all the way back to have another go.
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