Secret Files 3 Switch NSP Free Download

Secret Files 3 Switch NSP Free Download

Secret Files 3 Switch NSP Free Download Romslab

Secret Files 3 Switch NSP Free Download Taking apart Secret Files 3 brick by brick, the most important element for these types of games is the story. After all, if you just wanted to click around on some pretty pictures to find items, there are a ton of HOGs that are made by Big Fish that are perfectly serviceable and even decently written. With Secret Files 3, you’re getting a bit of an ask from Deep Silver and Animation Arts to indulge several elements. One, you need to care about Max and Nina’s relationship, which is probably easier if you’ve played the previous games: as someone who got to see Max for all of six seconds before he got black bagged by the government, I was sort of blaise on his existence. Second, you need to care about the conspiracy theory aspect of it and the clandestine powers that are at work. ROMSLAB.COM BEST SWITCH GAMES

Secret Files 3 Switch NSP Free Download Romslab

Secret Files 3 Switch NSP Free Download Romslab

And this was somewhat more appealing (though a bit stiff, as we’ll see momentarily). Lastly, you need to be on board with diving in and out of history, like you’re playing an Assassin’s Creed title that doesn’t have any action or real danger, so that can be a bit of a trip to get your head around. The whole thing could be a pretty solid formula if not for one terrible caveat: the acting is really quite bad. There are so many times within Secret Files 3 where the game shifts from overly detailed exposition to help fill in the player to this sort of fourth-wall-breaking that doesn’t actually feel clever or interesting. Imagine, if you will, that a spy is trying to break into a building. It’s his second job ever, so he’s nervous but pretty confident.

Gameplay’s Three Secrets

Secret Files 3 is a point-and-click puzzle game in which we step into the shoes of Nina, a previous Secret Files protagonist. Nina’s wedding day plans go horribly awry when her fiance, Max (another character from previous games) is arrested by the Berlin police for terrorism. Now it is up to Nina to follow the trail of clues Max has left; and perhaps Nina will not only save him, but uncover a mystery hundreds of years in the making! The story jumps between the present with Nina, and the past in Nina’s strangely prophetic dreams. Dream-Nina is so powerful that she can affect her dreams, and thus change the outcome of past events. In one dream she helps a man escape from prison! To be fair, he was wrongfully arrested and was going to be tortured… but still! Wonder Boy Asha in Monster World Switch

Secret Files 3 Switch NSP Free Download Romslab

Secret Files 3 Switch NSP Free Download Romslab

Nina is able to explore these dreams and find out information from the very distant past in order to uncover secrets in the present. It’s a very interesting storytelling mechanic, and I feel it was utilized well. It does get a bit campy at times: Nina’s on a plane and has to go through these important files from Max’s computer she found… but she’s just so tired… so sleepy… BAM, now we’re in a dream! It all smacks of old-timey tropes, but that’s part of the game’s strange charm. As many of you may already know, point-and-click games intended for play using the speed and precision of a mouse do not translate all that well onto console.

Secretly Controlling Files Three Times

If you are playing Secret Files 3 with your Switch docked, you will find that torturous feeling – kind of like trying to help a drunk person properly find the bathroom – as you slowly guide your cursor over the screen with the joycon. In the bottom left corner of your screen, there is a handy magnifying glass. You can click on this at any time and it will display which places/objects you can interact with on your current screen. This is extremely handy, as there are times when two objects will be so close together that just shimmying your cursor around has a high chance of missing one. Then you’ll spend thirty whole minutes running around, wondering what the heck you missed, trying to combine every item in your inventory with every other item. Wonder Boy Returns remix Switch NSP

Secret Files 3 Switch NSP Free Download Romslab

Secret Files 3 Switch NSP Free Download Romslab

several times until you’re going crazy and then- WAIT! DEEP BREATHS! No I’m not bitter at all! However, the annoying thing about the magnifying glass is that once you click it, the icons showing what you can interact with only stay up on the screen for about two seconds before disappearing. Sure game, you don’t want to ruin the immersion by having little icons dotting all over your scenic artwork… but come on! How about you let me choose to toggle it on/off, eh? My advice: play this game in handheld mode with the touch screen. I found myself enjoying it a lot more when I was able to quickly tap and interact with things. Using the joycon turned this game into a chore rather than a game.

Puzzles Filed Thrice

I am not ashamed to admit it, but I used the puzzle help screen several times. In the bottom left corner of the screen there is a book and a set of cogs. The cogs will take you to the save screen: always handy. The book will take you to a screen that can go over the story thus far, and remind you how to play the game, etc. It also has a page for puzzle help. It will literally tell you what to do, and in what order. For example, it will say: Go to the shelf and take the scissors. Use the scissors on the tape. Inspect the box. (Disclaimer: the previously mentioned puzzle steps do not reflect actual gameplay from Secret Files 3). There were times where I was going through my inventory, trying to combine a book with a clothes hanger. If you frequently enjoy, or have enjoyed, point-and-click puzzle games, then I’m certain you know the feeling of: Well,Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap Switch NSP

Secret Files 3 Switch NSP Free Download Romslab

Secret Files 3 Switch NSP Free Download Romslab

I’m stuck so let’s just try combining everything in my inventory together and hope I make something. Some puzzle items are obvious: combining a screwdriver with anything that might have screws; other things are so seemingly ridiculous (like combining a cat with a helmet) that this game almost forces you to get silly and try combining everything with everything else. I found myself stuck several times, so I wasn’t ashamed when I opened up the book and read through the puzzle steps to see what I missed. When it’s something obvious, I felt like a big idiot, but when it’s something like: “have only these three lights turned on” I felt a bit betrayed by the game. Like the game was having a laugh at my continuously failing struggles. THAT is when I got annoyed and lost my enjoyment.

Add-ons (DLC): Secret Files 3 Switch NSP

First Release

NSP Format










