Edge Of Eternity Switch NSP Free Download

Edge Of Eternity Switch NSP Free Download

Edge Of Eternity Switch NSP Full Game Free Download Romslab

Edge Of Eternity Switch NSP Full Game Free Download Romslab Set on an Earth-like planet called Heryon, the world is threatened by an alien army called the Archelites, and that threat quickly turns into a bloody conflict. Unifying Heryon’s nations under a new military alliance called the Consort, humanity quickly fights back. But now the Archelites have released a terrible plague called The Corrosion. Playing a Consort soldier named Daryon, you're immediately thrown into the deep end, seeing your squadmates killed on the battlefield. Making matters worse, the Consort has been sacrificing their own troops for dark magic, used to fight off the Archelites. Needless to say, there’s some heavy subject matter at play. As the unit’s lone survivor, Daryon heads home at the urging of their sister, Priestess Selene, after their mother becomes afflicted. ROMSLAB.COM BEST SWITCH GAMES

Edge Of Eternity Switch NSP Full Game Free Download Romslab

Edge Of Eternity Switch NSP Full Game Free Download Romslab

Soon enough, you’re setting off to find a Corrosion cure, meeting new allies along the way. Unfortunately, Edge of Eternity’s story is arguably its weakest element; it’s not especially original. That wouldn’t be an issue except the cast isn't that likable either. It's a feeling that does improve over time, but honestly, if I wasn’t reviewing it, I would have quit at the opening act. Between cringeworthy dialogue and a poor sense of humor, I didn’t feel inclined to stick around. Edge of Eternity delivers some heavy worldbuilding right from the get-go, introducing players to Heryon, a world in the midst of a bitter war with aliens known as the Archelites, who are seemingly responsible for the Corrosion, a nasty biological weapon that turns people into zombie-like abominations.

Our main characters are a brother and sister duo

Daryon is enlisted in the Consort (Heryon’s military), while Selene is a high-ranking member of the Sanctorium (the masters of all things magical in the world). The story is set in motion when Selene sends Daryon a letter informing him their mother is sick with the Corrosion. Daryon considers ditching the army, and his mind is quickly made up for him when, in short order, his group is ambushed by the Archelites and massacred and he discovers the Consort has resorted to sacrificing their own soldiers in dark magic rituals to fight the aliens. Disillusioned and traumatized Daryon deserts, returns home, and decides to team with his sister to find a cure to the Corrosion. Ambition is a common thread present throughout Midgar Studio’s Edge of Eternity that is evident the moment the stunning open world hits the screen. Goosebumps: The Game Switch NSP

Edge Of Eternity Switch NSP Full Game Free Download Romslab

Edge Of Eternity Switch NSP Full Game Free Download Romslab

It takes ambition for a small studio to tackle making a modern JRPG that takes on the classic formula from the 1990s and to create such a large 3D world. For a moment, as the JRPG nostalgia kicked in, Edge of Eternity seemed like it could pull it off, but it doesn’t quite come together into a memorable experience. Edge of Eternity begins as on-tour soldier Daryon receives a message from his sister Selene who gives him the news of his mother catching a deadly disease called the Corrosion. Selene pleads for her brother to desert the military and come home to their mother, but before Daryon can decide, his squad is attacked by Archelites, an extraterrestrial enemy force that has invaded the planet Heyron.

From here, the player is thrown into an hour-long combat tutorial

That doesn’t provide a great first impression. Instead of showing off its beautiful open world, Edge of Eternityprovides a series of cutscenes to build it’s story in the prologue. Throughout the game, the cutscenes are visually overshadowed by the scenery and it has an impact on the effectiveness of them. It’s a shame Midgar Studio starts in the least visually interesting environment in a passive manner. When Daryon and Selene manage to set out on their journey to find a cure for the Corrosion, the visually stunning open world of Heryon becomes an immediate draw. There are many moments where the player will find themselves stopping to take a look at the beautifully detailed sights.  It is not perfect, as enemy and character animations on the map are a bit janky, but it’s vibrant world is filled with plenty of useful treasures to find. Go Vacation Switch NSP

Edge Of Eternity Switch NSP Full Game Free Download Romslab

Edge Of Eternity Switch NSP Full Game Free Download Romslab

It’s fun to explore, with plenty of chests, consumables, armor, and weapons that help upgrade the team. Crafting ingredients found around the world are essential for upgrading weapons and even consumables, like potions. Travel is made more enjoyable by a big furry rideable feline called a Nekaroo, while save points let players teleport to other save points previously visited. Another element that makes exploration enjoyable is the beautiful soundtrack that accompanies it. It’s the combination of the gorgeous scenery and soundtrack that most successfully evokes nostalgia for the classic JRPGs the game is so clearly inspired by. The one drawback, however, is the less impressive cut scenes. The voice-acting in cut scenes is fine, with only Daryon being one of the few lackluster performances.

It’s the character models that just don’t hold a candle to the environments.

Character models have very stiff animations and it really starts to show the seams once the game gives players a closer look. It makes the visuals a double-edged sword; the stunning world is an immediate draw, but the difference up close is jarring. It was only once I began exploring the world that Edge of Eternity truly felt alive. For a small development team, there’s a surprisingly large 30-hour campaign here. If you’re going beyond the main story for side missions, that playtime could potentially double. Between killing beasts for Heyrs (currency), some minor puzzle solving, or oddities like the unusually direct “open 100 chests for this reward” side mission, there’s decent variety here. GRANDIA HD Collection Switch NSP

Edge Of Eternity Switch NSP Full Game Free Download Romslab

Edge Of Eternity Switch NSP Full Game Free Download Romslab

That’s helped by some pleasant environmental design, which is finely detailed, colorful, and quite inviting. I just wish Midgar Studio put this much effort into the character models. You can see one of them in the screenshot above for reference and quite frankly, they don’t look right. It’s off-putting. Greater effort has been placed into the main cast, but some NPCs look absolutely dire. Aside from the breadth of the campaign and nice environmental design, Edge of Eternity draws strength from its combat, which harkens to Final Fantasy’s Active Time Battle system. Much like it is represented there, each combatant has a timed bar that determines their turn order. Once it's an ally’s turn, you can choose between standard physical attacks, magical attacks with an MP cost, retreating, or drawing upon items.

Add-ons (DLC): Edge Of Eternity Switch NSP

First Release

NSP Format










