CRYSTAR Switch NSP Free Download

CRYSTAR Switch NSP Free Download

CRYSTAR Switch NSP Free Download Romslab

CRYSTAR Switch NSP Free Download Romslab Crystar has you play as Rei Hatada who takes it upon herself to dispatch tormented souls within limbo in the hopes of reviving her deceased sister Mirai. Yes, this is a very strange premise for a game but thankfully, the story and setting benefit from the dark and quirky foundation. For starters, the world and story of Crystar are consistent in that everything is dripping with themes of depression and self-hatred all while a glimmer of hope seems to be just on the horizon. It's rare to see any video game committed to its premise as much as Crystar is and that makes playing it all the more immersive and intriguing. Plus, the lovely stylish visuals, beautiful character art, and talented voice cast add a welcome layer of authenticity to the equation that makes it even more engaging. ROMSLAB.COM BEST SWITCH GAMES

CRYSTAR Switch NSP Free Download Romslab

CRYSTAR Switch NSP Free Download Romslab

All of that being said, Crystar can be emotionally draining to play. I personally don't suffer from depression or any mental illness yet the almost constant reminders of Rei's struggles and the tragic back-stories of many of the NPCs weighed the experience down from time to time and made playing it feel like a bummer after a while. There are moments of levity such as the ability to watch Rei pet her dog Thelema but it's simply not enough. I don't know about you but I play video games to have fun and escape into worlds that make me enjoy myself. Although I did have fun with Crystar's gameplay, its world can be quite a tough pill to swallow at times. Speaking of gameplay, Crystar is an action RPG where you traverse enemy-filled dungeons.


The core combat primarily involves light and heavy attacks, unleashing various skills, and dashing out of harm's way. It's very simple stuff but there are some impressively clever mechanics in play as well. For example, you have a Skill Power gauge that recharges as you attack monsters and allows you to perform special attacks. There's also a teardrop meter that fills as you fight or by holding a button to cry which drains your SP gauge. Once this meter is full, you can enter Idea Released state to summon a guardian which is basically a monster that helps you attack as well as perform a finishing move before the gauge depletes. Finally, there are items that you can use either manually or automatically which recover your health and heal status ailments. Hello Neighbor Switch NSP

CRYSTAR Switch NSP Free Download Romslab

CRYSTAR Switch NSP Free Download Romslab

Overall, it's fun stuff with plenty of interesting complexities. As you traverse dungeons, you'll fight red-glowing enemies that curse you with Torments upon defeating them which lower your stats. Although this sounds like a pain in the ass, you can purify these Torments into Sentiments by having Rei cry whenever you're back in your room between dungeon runs. Sentiments basically act as equipment with Aggressive ones being weapons, Protective ones being armour, and Bolstering ones being accessories. You can fuse, modify, and transform Sentiments, too, which can make your characters much more capable in battle. It's a ton of fun to experiment with Sentiments in order to create the most powerful equipment that you can and the fact that you join forces with a few other characters along the way makes the party progression systems even more satisfying.

Sometimes it’s difficult to talk about a game that truly disappointed you.

How do you begin talking about a game that had a promising start, but only seemed to worsen over time, while properly conveying the experience you had? It doesn’t feel great to be negative from the get-go when I wasn't expecting to be, but perhaps that is the appropriate course of action; to just get things out of the way. As such, I have to start by saying that as much as I wanted to like Crystar, it’s far from a good game. Crystar is an action JRPG that revolves around, unsurprisingly, crying. Rei Hatada, the main protagonist, is dragged along with her sister Mirai to Purgatory, a place where the souls of the dead wander until they reach the Cogs of Renewal that reincarnates them without their memories of who they were in previous lives. Hellpoint Switch NSP

CRYSTAR Switch NSP Free Download Romslab

CRYSTAR Switch NSP Free Download Romslab

Some souls, however, still can’t let go and turn into Revenants, who aim to obtain Revival (which essentially erases the fact that they ever died) by absorbing other souls. During an attack from a Revenant, Rei awakens the power of a Guardian (basically a Persona, from the homonymous series) but she loses control and ends up killing Mirai in the process. The setup was interesting enough, and so were some of the developments that followed. In what maybe was not the brightest idea ever, Rei immediately signs a deal with the twin demons Mephis and Pheles that rule Purgatory, who offer her the chance to grant Revival to Mirai in exchange of hunting down Revenants and gathering 'Idea', crystallized tears that are necessary for Revival.

The gameplay itself is nothing to write home about.

As she fights to accomplish her goal, Rei meets three more party members who each sign a contract with the demons for their own reasons. You have a light attack, a heavy attack, a jump button and a dash as your basic moves. Each character has a different style of weapon that works best for different ranges and they also have unique abilities that work like spells, of which you can pick four at a time and consume SP to use. Your SP refills by hitting enemies so you’re always encouraged to use skills. You can also summon your Guardian to help you in battle by filling the Tear Gauge either with the dedicated cry button or by also hitting enemies. Once in the field, your Guardian essentially doubles your own attacks and you can also unleash an ultimate attack that automatically puts your Guardian away. Heroes of Loot 2 Switch NSP

CRYSTAR Switch NSP Free Download Romslab

CRYSTAR Switch NSP Free Download Romslab

To gather Idea and prevent Mirai from reaching the Cogs of Renewal, Rei must traverse many dungeons named Ordeals. The structures of these Ordeals is fairly simple. Each Ordeal has basically three small dungeons of three floors each, and at the end of every Ordeal there is a boss fight. In the dungeons themselves, you fight a small variety of enemies and every now and then a Revenant, which is essentially a regular enemy that hits harder and has more health. For every Revenant you defeat, you gain an item called a Torment that represents the final thoughts of the soul defeated and that you can purify in your bedroom by crying, which turns them into equipment. You will spend a decent amount of time in your bedroom.

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